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Prayer with the Bible [ICON]

St. Cyril Coptic Orthodox Association (ICON) of McGill University

ICON is a Christian club. We have around 20 regular attendees. Our purpose is to offer a religious group on campus and to create a community that is friendly and welcoming to everyone. We encourage people to share opinions about their faith and develop enlightening discussions. We hope that through this, people learn more about the Christian faith, if they wish to do so. Meetings take place at a weekly basis in the Newman Center. We offer various kinds of activities throughout the semester that are both spiritual and secular as well.

November 3

Multilingual Rosary (ZOOM)

November 5

‘Justice and Personhood: the Revolutionary Catholic Defense of Human Dignity in the 21st Century’ [2021 Claude Ryan Lecture], Dr. Piotr H. Koscki [POSTPONED TILL JANUARY 2022]