The Newman RamblerFaith, Culture & the Academy "The Significance of John Henry Newman for Christians Today" by Thomas Collins "Conversion and Development in Newman" by Raymond Lafontaine "The History of the Newman Chapel Choir" by Veronica Tarka "The Significance of Saint John Henry Newman for Catholic Theology" by Marc Ouellet "The Newman Centre of McGill University and its History" by Peter McNally "A Talk on the Idea of a University after John Henry Newman" by Anne Carson "Newman on the Formation of the Laity" by Paul Shrimpton "Newman: A Model for the Synodal Conversion of the Church" by Grégory Solari "The Philosophy of John Henry Newman" by Sergio Sánchez-Migallón "Reading John Henry Newman" by Michael Pakaluk "To Be a Thomist" by Serge-Thomas Bonino "The Future of Catholicism" by Jean-Luc Marion "Theological Philosophy and Christian Theology" by Serge-Thomas Bonino "The Liberal Arts and the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit" by Matthew-Anthony Hysell "Heart Speaks to Heart" by Thomas Collins "Georges Lemaître: Priest and Scientist" by Jonathan I. Lunine