Newman House Residence
Newman House is the residence of the Newman Centre of McGill, located right on campus at 3484 Peel St. The residence is open to students aged 18-30 who are studying at any university in Montreal.
Newman Residency 2025-2026
Newman Summer Residency 2025
If you are interested in applying for the Newman Residency 2025-2026 or the Newman Summer Residency 2025, please send the Newman Residency Application Form and your letter of intention to Julie Moon, the Administrative Coordinator at
Resident Qualifications
The residence is open to male and female students between the ages of 18-30 enrolled in any program at an institute of higher education in Montreal. Residents must be fully initiated Catholics or enrolled in RCIA. They should be willing to live in a Catholic community, to participate in common prayer and shared meals with fellow students, and to act with Christian integrity, hospitality, and service in the context of the Centre’s life and ministry at McGill University.
Rooms and Facilities
Newman House has two buildings, Bernard House and Magdalene House, separately for men and women. Private and double rooms, all furnished, are available. In each house, residents have use of a spacious common room, kitchen, dining area, and bathrooms. Services include utilities and internet. Residents can also use the common spaces of the Newman Centre, which include laundry facilities, the Centre’s main hall, the Claude Ryan Library for quiet study, a private courtyard, on-site parking, and a chapel for daily Mass, Adoration, and prayer.
Residence Details
The Newman Association of Montreal INC operates as a registered charitable foundation (CRA Registered Charity #119056240RR0001) and does not charge rent or enter into a lease agreement but asks residents to contribute a monthly fee as part of the community contract. This contribution is $750/month for a single bedroom and $650/month for one of the spaces in the double bedroom. Fees are set by the Newman Board of Directors and may be subject to re-evaluation. Special consideration is given to students who demonstrate financial need.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be Catholic to be a resident?
Yes. We expect that Newman residents be fully-initiated Catholic or in RCIA, and wholeheartedly interested in living in a Catholic community. Although residents are fairly free to come and go as they please and student lives are busy, residency at Newman is communal in nature (meals, group prayer, meetings, Mass). We want to ensure that those who live in the Centre are willing to engage in Newman’s mission, and to take on the responsibilities of living with others in a Catholic household.
Do I need to be a McGill student?
Registration at McGill is not a requirement. While most Newman residents go to McGill, residents simply must be registered as full-time students at an institution of higher learning in Montreal in a Bachelors, Masters, Doctoral or Professional program.
Do I need to be enrolled in a Religious Studies or Theology program?
Nope. Our staff and students come from a wide range of backgrounds, including music, computer science, philosophy, and political science! Our community is made up of a variety of intellectual interests.
Are there study spaces available at the Centre?
Yes. In addition to a study area in each bedroom, each residence has a common room that can be used for private or group study. Our Claude Ryan Library is also used as a quiet study space for students.
Is there a meal plan included?
No. Newman House only provides lodging at the Newman Centre. However, we encourage residents to cook and eat together in a communal spirit with the fully-equipped kitchens provided in the residences.
Can I work at the Newman Centre?
From time to time, the Newman Centre may hire residents and other students alike for small contracts or summer jobs. You may speak to the Manager of Student Affairs (student.affairs@newmancentre.org) to know more!
Can my friends come visit me at the Newman Centre?
Yes. All students are welcome to the Centre during our regular business hours, or in the evenings for events. They are also welcome to join us on Sundays for Mass!
Do I need to bring my own furniture?
No. All the spaces at the Newman Centre are fully furnished. This includes your bedroom and residence kitchens. If you have questions about bringing your own furniture, or if you require specific accommodations, you can contact the Manager of Student Affairs (student.affairs@newmancentre.org) upon move-in.