As we continue with in-person activities at the Newman Centre we would like to also make the Bagel Lounge accessible for events. To make this possible there is going to be a "Bagel Lounge Clean-up Day" and we are calling on volunteers to help achieve this. Please find below details for the day's activities:
10h00 meet at Newman for coffee/croissants
10h30 start work (sorting out, loading truck, etc...)
13h00 lunch break
13h45 cleaning up and setting up the space (moping, setting tables, etc...)
16h30 conclude (at latest)
16h30 Mass for those interested
To register, volunteers can simply email the Newman Centre Director at: specifying the time you will be available to volunteer.
To help us plan and coordinate the deadline for signing up will be Tuesday, 2nd November at 5 pm.