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Theology on Tap

Join us for the first Theology on Tap of the year! This first TOT event will focus on a Thomistic analysis on these mysterious, and, purely spiritual beings: angels and demons. We will lay a solid foundation by an in-depth study of angels in general in order to properly understand the differences between angels and demons, and, their particular mission as servants of God or slaves of the devil.

Our speaker, Father Luc Poirier is a Canadian FSSP priest that was ordained in 2019 after 7 years of formation at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, Nebraska, and, has been stationed at Saint Irénée church in Montréal as the assistant-priest since his ordination. He was born and raised in a small rural town just outside Moncton, New-Brunswick in a large Catholic family. His priestly vocation was solidified when he discovered the Traditional Latin Mass when he was 20 years of age, and, has always been and continues to be his “raison d’être”. His love for the Traditional Latin Mass, and, all that flows from it, was always anchored in his love and fidelity to the Roman Catholic Church. He continues his priestly ministry here in Montréal and tries to serve as faithfully as he can his faithful and all those who are seeking to integrate God in their lives.

October 21

Prayer with the Bible [ICON]

October 25

McGill Classical Music Club Rehearsal [CMC]